The Temple of the Forbidden Colors
I know I haven't been drawing at all lately. But the other day Celina got into my portfolio and then one of my old sketchbooks. She found the plans for one of my high school art projects - a temple with an East Asian-inspired goddess standing inside. The whole assignment was supposed to be made out of cardboard, with a sculpture of some sort included somewhere on the project. Anyways, hearing me describe it, she decided to make one of her own. We got an old cardboard box, and then we started doing some sketching. She wanted something more Egyptian-themed (of course!), so we looked at books, patterns, paper dolls, and online for inspiration. I would copy down some things she liked, she would draw a figure of what she wanted, and we went back and forth drawing until we came to something she really liked. Her "statue" (it will be made out of paper since we don't have any clay handy in the house) is her own version of the goddess Hathor. She made me draw the final copy ou...