This and That
The last time I posted, it took so long that I drew my empty teacup and my mesquite chocolate chip cookie while I was waiting. And then I waited some more. Not my best drawing, but I was interrupted by some late-night revelers (my children) and had to go regulate. Then I lost interest in the drawing and just wanted to eat the cookie. And that's the end of this story. I know what you're thinking...not ANOTHER construction workers drawing. But this one, ladies and gentlemen, is different. I was lucky enough to be parked at such an angle that the building actually LOOKS like a building. And I had to preserve the moment. You can see windows, and even doors. The sad thing is that construction workers are rather boring. They just sort of walk around and point to things and argue with eachother. Which is exactly was these two guys are doing (guy #2 is the round hat you see at the bottom middle of the page. I ran out of room). But the good news is I have decided not to draw them anymo...